Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Group

Terms of Reference

As a Practice and Primary Care Network we understand the importance of creating a workplace culture where diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) are valued by all. The role of the DEI Group is to ensure this inclusive vision is realised by implementing effective strategies, policies, and activities. Our underlying principle is that if we create such a space, we will also be seeding an inclusive environment for our patients, and thus influencing inclusivity in our wider community.

Role or Purpose

The role of the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion group is:

To be an advisory group and to support and lead on initiatives.

This includes:

  • Ensure practice aligns with national DEI standards, such as the NHS Workforce Race Equality Standard and the Workforce Disability Equality Standard.
  • Reviewing Staff Policies and Procedures to ensure they are inclusive.
  • Development and improvements to recruitment processes.
  • Contributing to our weekly bulletin and education programme.
  • Initiatives which promote diversity in the staff team, including Disability Confident.
  • Work which supports the ongoing focus on an inclusive culture at the practice.

The group may also be asked to support wider practice initiatives for Diversity and Inclusion.  Examples of this may include inclusion in wider population health work, gender identity toolkits etc.

The group will do this by establishing & sharing evidence to understand and address emerging issues. 


This Terms of Reference is effective from June 2022 


The Group will comprise:

  • A member of the Human Resources team and the Training and Development Coordinator 
  • A member of the operations team
  • Other members of the group will be encouraged from across the practice 

Roles and Responsibilities

The Human Resources team, which includes the Training and Development Coordinator, will organise meetings. 

The group will identify any areas for attention, and liaise with the operations team on any actions required, or directly with other teams, if appropriate.

Will contribute to an annual report on focus for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.

Contribute to weekly bulletins on progress as appropriate to promote improved communication.

Undertake additional training in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion as required to support learning and guide decision making.


The group will aim to meet four times a year.

If required subgroup meetings will be arranged outside of these times, at a time convenient to subgroup members.

Meeting agendas will be organised by the training and development coordinator.

Minutes will be taken on a rotation basis. Any member of the group can be chair for the meeting.

Amendment, Modification or Variation

This Terms of Reference may be amended, varied, or modified in writing after consultation and agreement by group members as the group develops.