Practice Management Team

Led by Karen, we have a dedicated Practice Management Team who support our GP Partners, Clinicians and our Administrative Team to deliver the best possible care and keep the practice running smoothly. 

We also work with you as patients to get feedback and help you to get the best possible service from our team.

#hellomynameis is a campaign to encourage and remind healthcare staff about the importance of introductions in healthcare, helping us to provide truly person-centred, compassionate care. As well as implementing #hellomynameis in the Practice, we are using it on our website too. Click on a member of staffs image to find out more about them.

Hello my name is...

Karen Creffield Karen Creffield Managing Partner & PCN Manager Charlotte Gee Charlotte Gee HR Manager Elaine Morley Elaine Morley Building Manager Gareth Hannam Gareth Hannam Digital Transformation Lead Su Chilcott Su Chilcott Finance Manager Tonya Sansum Tonya Sansum Operations Manager Tracey McCulloch Tracey McCulloch Quality Assurance Officer