Non NHS Private Fees

List of Non NHS Charges

  • To Whom It May Concern Letter £25.00
  • Housing authority letter £25.00
  • Completion of Sickness/Accident/Holiday/Insurance forms £30.00
  • Police request – witness statement £39.50
  • Court of Protection (COP3 form) from Solicitor £90.00

Third party and patient requests for medical records

  • Solicitor Requests for Full Medical Records No fee
  • Solicitor Requests for Computer printouts No fee
  • GPR for Insurance Company £104.00
  • Additional Information – Insurance Company £27.00

Adoption and fostering medicals

  • Adoption or Fostering medical and examination (form AH), 30 min GP medical appointment for each patient £125.00
  • Update report on Patient or Carer (form AH2) (No appointment needed) £35.00


  • HGV, Public and light goods Vehicle Licence (including filling in D4 form) Patient brings paperwork with them to 30 minute medical appointment with GP. Patient to pay £125.00.
  • Taxi Driver Medical - 30 min GP medical appointment. Patient to pay £125.00.
  • Seat belt exemption certificate £55

Fitness reports

  • Fitness declaration statement, no examination £30
  • Fitness statement, with examination £60
  • OFSTED Report (Form supplied by patient) No examination £91
  • Charity ECG £10
  • Firearms Reports £50

Private consultations/scripts

  • Private Consultation. GP, Nurse £30 per 10 minute consultation
  • Private Smear – sample sent to Bath Clinic £90.00
  • Private Prescription £25.00
  • DNA samples taken (20 minute consultation) £60.00
  • Private Sick notes £30.00

Occupational health/medical examinations

  • Confined spaces medical (30 min appointment with GP) £90.00 (Invoice to go to Company)
  • Medical examination with form (30 min appointment) £90.00
  • Army Medical forms RGMD (we send with invoice to the Army) £65.00

Private blood tests

When a patient requests a private blood test they have to pay a £10 admin fee to Frome Medical Practice.  The RUH will also invoice the patient separately to process the sample.

The secretary (or the GP) adds the request to the patient’s records and sends an email providing the details of the test requested together with the patients details, including their home address; an invoice will be sent to the patient to pay the RUH direct.

There are two fees for all private blood tests:

  • Frome Medical Practice £10 admin fee to take the blood
  • RUH fee to run the test on the sample; the patient can ring Sue Sutton at the RUH on 01225 821686 to confirm the fee if they wish to.