Live Well Sessions 


Patients invited to use new Live Well service at Frome Medical Practice

Frome Medical Practice is offering a new service to patients registered at the practice, to help and encourage them to ‘Live Well’. Live Well sessions are now being held at the practice three times a week, led by the Lifestyle Care Coordinator, Tanya Anderson.

Live Well sessions aim to support patients to learn more about how they can get more support for a health condition or how they can make small changes that will improve their health and wellbeing. Tanya explains, “Very often patients know they want to make changes to their lifestyle, or they’d like to find out what information and support is available on a particular health issue but they aren’t sure where to start. Our Live Well sessions are there to help with this.”

“We can do some practical things at the sessions, like check blood pressure readings, height and weight. We can guide patients to help that is available to them at the practice and in the wider community through a referral or signposting to our Health Connections Team. We can also help patients complete a quick lifestyle questionnaire, chat through their answers and can make suggestions about how they can get support to make small changes.”

Patients don’t need an appointment to come along to the sessions, which take place in the new Live Well Room in the main reception area at the practice as follows:

  • Tuesday 12.00pm to 2.00pm
  • Wednesday 5.00pm to 7.00pm
  • Thursday 10.00am to 12.00pm
The Live well Space at Frome Medical Practice

Tanya added, “If our patients have any questions about their health and wellbeing that don’t require a GP or Clinician appointment, we can help with finding answers and information that can help them. The kinds of things we’ve been helping with include finding support for particular health conditions, finding out about opportunities to be more active and how to get support to stop smoking. These are just a few examples. There’s a vast range of issues patients might want to come and find out more about and I’m looking forward to meeting more patients at Live Well sessions now we’ve started offering the support.

Published: Oct 2, 2023