Kindness in the Workplace


The theme of the Frome Kindness Festival today is ‘kindness in the workplace’, and we are marking the occasion at Frome Medical Practice with a shared lunch for all staff. 

Kindness is a value we place a great deal of importance on at Frome Medical Practice and it’s written into our new strategy (coming later this year) as a core part of our business, along with another new value, collaboration. These new values sit alongside our other values of responsibility, learning and sustainability. 

We recently asked the team to define a kind organisation and here is some of what they shared with us: 

“It is when we listen, learn, remain curious and not judgemental, and accept our differences, that we can live together and thrive together. We can create an environment in which we can be our true selves, be honest with each other, and not have to put on a mask of kindness. There is no mask required because real connection is there already.”

Dr Susie MacDonald 


“For me,  Frome Medical Practice is a kind workplace.  Not only do the workforce get cared for with many things in place for our wellbeing, but we have many social activities which include a very popular online bingo, free raffles and parties. We also have a wonderful process of supporting the community with selecting a chosen charity for two years.  This process is chosen in a great way, as all members of staff  can nominate a charity for the period of time. All colleagues then have a final vote  for our chosen cause. We then have activities throughout the period such as quiz nights and sponsored events to raise money collectively for the chosen charity. Frome Medical Practice is truly a unique place to work and one big family.”

Kevin Sivell


Feedback from our recent staff survey told us that having the opportunity to share stories of experience and witnessing kindness in the workplace was something that our team enjoyed and valued, so we ensure this happens regularly.. The team also highlighted many examples of kindness that already exist at Frome Medical Practice, including the tokens of appreciation shared by the team, supporting colleagues when they feel overloaded or have experienced a loss, the sharing of food (something we love doing!)  and the simple acts of saying thank you or offering to make someone a drink.  

Kindness runs through everything we do at Frome Medical Practice and we will continue to celebrate, encourage and explore what it means to be a kind organisation and we will share more about our new strategy and our other values in due course. 

Published: Mar 19, 2024