A Big Thank You To Frome Medical Practice Patients


Frome Medical Practice is thanking patients who have responded positively to the new online ap-pointment request form, introduced in late September.

Practice Manager, Karen Creffield, said, “We want to thank all our patients, and our team, who have helped make the switch to the new system a success. We are also really grateful to volunteers who’ve been available at the practice to support patients with using the new system, in particular the Chair of our Patient Participation Group, Chris Simpson, and Peter Clardy of Spark iT. “

Reception from upstairs

“In the first four weeks we received 6,365 online appointment requests, an average of 318 forms a day based on 20 working days. This represented 83% of all our GP and nurse practitioner appoint-ment requests, which we are really pleased with. When this many people request appointments online, it helps to ensure those patients who need to phone us, either because they don’t have in-ternet access or aren’t confident online, can get through to the team in a more timely manner. We appreciate this has been a big change for patients but we are really pleased with how quickly they’ve embraced the new system.”

“We are also really grateful to patients for their positive feedback about using the form. We’ve also had useful suggestions from patients and staff, which has helped us put together some fur-ther tips on using the system. We hope patients will find these helpful.”


Tips for using the online appointment request form

  • You can read frequently asked questions and answers about the new system on our website. Visit our appointments page for details.
  • The online appointment request form is available on our website, via our Appointments page, and not via the NHS App.
  • Using your NHS login when requesting an appointment via the online form means your details can be saved for your next visit. If you don't have an NHS login or you've forgotten your login details visit the NHS website for instructions on getting this sorted.
  • You don't have to use your NHS number on your form, but it's really helpful if you do, especially if you aren't using a NHS login. You can find the number in your NHS App, on any letters or documents from the NHS, or visit the NHS website for help.
  • If you know you're going to be away or unavailable please wait until you're back before sending in your form. We might offer you a same day appointment, but for something less urgent the appointment could be up to 14 days ahead.
  • Please only phone the practice with a GP or Nurse Practitioner appointment request if you really need to (for example, you don't have internet or you aren't confident online.) Calling us means we complete the form with you online, which can be time consuming for us and for you. If you need help with using the form please see below.
  • If you need support with using the online form, help is available. The Digital Health Team hold regular sessions at the practice, or around town, where they are very happy to go through the form with you. They can also help with your NHS login, finding your NHS number or using the NHS App. You can drop in to see the team as follows: Tuesday 10:00am to 12:00pm and Thursday 4:00pm to 6:00pm at the practice, Thursday 10:00am to 11.30am at the Cheese and Grain Cafe. The team also ‘pop up’ at different venues on a Tuesday afternoon - see the practice website or social media for details.

Published: Oct 30, 2023