What does Frome Medical Practice offer?

GP practices play a key role in supporting patients with long term symptoms of COVID, including assessment, diagnosis, referring when necessary and providing longer term holistic support to patients. Frome Medical Practice is able to offer this kind of support to patients assessed as having long COVID. 

All GPs and Nurse Practitioners are trained on long COVID.

Patients are assessed and any urgent conditions are managed and any tests are organised. Patients may also be signposted from 4 weeks after infection to:

  • Self management support including the online platform Your COVID Recovery
  • Referral to paediatric services
  • Mental health support
  • Referral to Health Connections Mendip
  • Referral to Somerset Post COVID 19 Recovery Clinic, if self management alone is not appropriate and if further investigations or support are required.
  • Specialist referral for specific conditions

What is long COVID?

We define long COVID as follows:

  • Ongoing symptomatic COVID-19: signs & symptoms of COVID from 4 – 12 weeks
  • Post COVID-19 syndrome: signs and symptoms that develop during or after infection with COVID and continue for more than 12 weeks and are not explained by an alternative diagnosis

Other support available

If you are recovering from COVID you may still be coming to terms with the impact the virus has had on both your body and mind. These changes should get better over time, some may take longer than others, but there are things you can do to help.

Your COVID Recovery helps you to understand what has happened and what you might expect as part of your recovery.