Hormonal Coils

The Mirena IUS (intrauterine system), also known as a hormonal coil, is used by many of our patients.

We want to share some important updates regarding its use. Since 2024, the licence for the Mirena IUS has been extended:

  • Contraception: If you had the Mirena fitted before age 45, it can now remain in place for up to 8 years. If you had it fitted at age 45 or older, you can keep it until age 55.
  • HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy): If you’re using the Mirena for HRT, it can still be used for up to 5 years.

When you had your coil fitted, you should have been provided with information on when to replace it.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can I use a different hormonal IUD for 8 years?

No, this extension only applies to the Mirena coil.

How long can I use other hormonal IUDs?

  • Levosert or Benilexa: Up to 6 years.
  • Kyleena: Up to 5 years.
  • Jaydess: Up to 3 years.

If I had my Mirena fitted after age 45, do I have to replace it after 8 years?

No, you can use it until menopause or age 55, unless you are receiving HRT (see below)

Can I keep my Mirena for 8 years if I’m using it for HRT?

No, it’s limited to 5 years.

If I’m using Mirena for heavy periods, when should I change it?

If it's managing your symptoms well, you may be able to use it longer than originally advised. Please discuss this with a member of the practice team.